Fire Installation Masters
24/7 protection and safety
Fire installation masters is a business name operating under Tree-Star Holdings. It began its operation in 2019 as a business doing supplies, installation, service, inspection and maintenance of fire fighting equipment.
We have a team of technicians that is always ready to assist and a perfect to meet our customer demands. Well trained and disciplined on their work and good interpersonal communication skills
- To always achieve our suppliers desired results
- To provide outside insight and information
- To search for new and improved best practice
- To be valued business partners for our suppliers
- To honor all promises and commitments
- To deliver results
- To be welcomed back
- Honesty, integrity and professionalism
- Family, Friendships and enjoying life
- Hard work, dedication and achievement
Our Services
Installation, Service, Inspection, testing & Maintenance:
Fire Hydrant
Sprinkler System
Fire Pumps
Fire Hose Reels
Fire Extinguisher (CO2, DCP, FOAM)
Addressable & convectional Fire alarm systems
Dry Chemical, Wet Chemical & Gas suppression system
Security surveillance (Access control, Electric fence & CCTV)
- Fire alarm systems at new Slimes Substation Jwaneng mine.
- Addressable fire alarm system at new blocks hospital Jwaneng mine.
- Fire alarms, Hose reels at Milton’s Hall Jwaneng.
- Suppression system at Jwaneng hospital.
- Suppression system on De-wet drilling.
- Troubleshooting, and installation of new devices at BIUST university.
- Fire alarms systems at Meat Market
- Fire line at PMO Jwaneng mine
- Installation of fire alarm, hose reels, fire extinguishers at Debswana conference center Jwaneng (working under Eva lounge)
- Installation of fire magnet door, air-con shut system at Jwaneng mine hospital (working under jumpcorp)
- Installation of on-board fire suppression system at Metsweding wells
- Installation of fire suppression on server rooms Staff
- List Item
A list of companies that we provide service to:
1. Wepex
2. Rots Drilling
3. De-Wet Drilling
4. Evalounge
5. Motswedi Wells
6. Flsmith
7. BIUST university
8. Jump Corp
9. Agri Feed
10. Good News pharmacy
11. Stork fort
12. Kebo Holdings
13. Meat market
14. Blagus